Dahlia Festival: A Bee’s Paradise
Each year, from July to October, the quays of Morges burst into bloom with thousands of dahlias in all heights, shapes, and colors. Such a dense concentration of flowers creates an ideal habitat for observing bees.
Swiss National Day in Morges: A Colorful Experience
On August 1st, Switzerland commemorates the signing of the Federal Charter of 1291, which established the Swiss Confederation. This year, Morges once again delighted a large crowd, myself included, with its traditional fireworks display.
A look into the ocean’s depth at Monaco’s oceanographic museum
My visit of Monaco’s Oceanographic museum with its amazing Jellyfish tank
Capturing the Beauty of Morges’ 54th Tulip Festival
The 54th Tulip Festival in Morges, Switzerland, has been a vibrant spectacle showcasing the tulips' beauty. Rain showers provided unique photo opportunities with glistening petals and moody skies.
Painting the Sky: Fireworks Galore on Swiss National Holiday 2023
Painting the Sky for Swiss National Holiday 2023: Pictures of fireworks from La Tour-de-Peilz, Le Bouveret and Morges.
Looking for Lynx Kittens
This blog post covers different visits to Zoo de Servion aiming to see and photograph three young Eurasian lynx kittens born in May 2022.